Get Well

30 Self-Care Tips to Take Into the New Year

by Hannah Smith

New year, new goals! Each year, we set resolutions we wish to attain by the end of that year. Oftentimes we fall off the wagon shortly into the new year because the goal wasn’t really attainable to begin with, and then we feel a little worse about ourselves. This year, start with small, daily goals you can weave into your new year’s routine. To help get you started, we compiled one tip for each day of January. Take a look at some of our favorites below, and let us know if you have any you love that we missed!

  1. Eat Something Green: Maybe even two things! If you’re looking to nourish your body more in the New Year, start with adding nutrients into your daily routine, even if it’s just once a day.
  2. Minimize Screen Time: 1 hour after waking up and 1 hour before bed are the key times to limit screen time. Why? They’ll help ensure you get to sleep faster and sleep deeper, as well as start your day more mindfully.
  3. Morning Meditation: 5 minutes a day can make a big difference without making a big dent in your day. If you’re brand new to meditation, check out a few apps or some at home devices to help get you started.
  4. Get off Instagram for One Full Day: It’s no secret Instagram can be a time-suck and can be a detriment towards your mental health. Take a day to unplug and worry only about the things in front of you.
  5. Do a Self-less Act: Doing something good for others is a good way to create more positivity in your life. This year, make it a point to donate towards a good cause or volunteer when you can – remember, what goes around comes around.
  6. Do a Deep Clean at Home: Being in a cluttered space can clutter your mind, but sometimes picking up the little things isn’t enough. Set aside a full day to deep clean your entire home and give yourself a fresh start. You’ll thank us later.
  7. Leave Small Self-love Notes for Yourself: Leaving notes of encouragement for yourself is a great way to show yourself some love. This is something I’ve started doing recently, and I’ve noticed an immediate change in my attitude.
  8. Read Ten Pages a Day: Reading more is a really common resolution, and it can be one of the easiest to achieve. Set an attainable goal of ten pages a day of your book and use your time in the subway, before sleeping, when making tea, waiting for an appointment, or really anything else, to hit your new goal.  
  9. Workout for You: Even if it’s a short walk or a ten minute stretch, do something to get your body moving every day. While weight loss is a really common goal, we encourage you to move your body simply to move it, and with no other bodily goals in mind. A moving body is a happy body!
  10. Cook at Home at Least Once a Week: Cooking with friends, for a significant other, or for yourself can be one of the most personal self-care rituals around. It’s a great way to show love to yourself and your loved ones, and is a great way to save a little money along the way.
  11. Walk Around Aimlessly in a Neighborhood You Love: Walking just to walk is a great way to be alone with your thoughts and feelings. It’s proven to be a great way to recenter yourself, so do it in a neighborhood you adore or in a new one, to take in new sights.
  12. Stretch an Area of Your Body You’ve Never Stretched Before: We have TONS of muscles, so I promise you you’re not serving them all each day. Search new stretches to target smaller areas of your body, and soon enough, you’ll have an entire stretch routine you can actually feel the results of.
  13. Invest in Yourself: We all have dreams of accomplishing big things, so give yourself a head start by investing in those dreams. Set aside a certain amount each week or round up your purchases to accumulate some extra cash.
  14. Carve Out Time to Process Your Emotions: Sitting with unresolved emotion can really weigh you down, so this year, work on processing your emotions. Whether you need to write them out in a journal or simply find some alone time to reflect, taking a few minutes to do so will make you feel infinitely better.
  15. Set Your Intentions: Whether you do it daily, weekly, monthly, or annually, setting intentions is a great way to create a goal and a positive mindset to help you get there.
  16. Pick Up the Phone and Call Someone: Even if it’s just to see how they are, having a few minutes on the phone is much more personal than texting will ever be. It’s a fantastic option for anyone looking to reconnect with family and friends you might have drifted from.
  17. Gather Some Friends and Do a Random Activity Together: From group exercise classes to a simple walk in the park, gathering a group of friends together can make things feel like less of a task and more of a fun activity. In this way, you’re also spending more quality time with those you love – what else could you ask for?
  18. Do One Thing You’ve Been Putting Off: Even if it’s as simple as a load of laundry, completing small tasks that are looming over your head help to clear looming anxiety, too. This year, tackle your tasks in a timely manner to help to create a more grounding space for yourself.
  19. Start Each Day With Gratitude: A really easy step toward becoming an overall more grateful person is to recognize what you’re grateful for each day. Wake up and list three things you’re grateful for. You’ll feel luckier and more blessed by the day.
  20. Carry a Water Bottle with You Today and Drink, Drink, Drink: Water is the source of all life, right? So to keep you moving this year, set a goal of drinking more water. It’ll improve your skin, your digestion, and your all around health. It’s such a simple step that ushers in a slew of noticeable results.
  21. Learn Something New Today: The world is full of knowledge, so I promise there’s something new out there to learn every single day. Doing so will expand your mind and bring a new sense of entertainment to your day.
  22. Create a Goal for Yourself to Look Forward To: Whether it’s as simple as an end of week lunch or as complex as saving money for a vacation, having attainable goals is a great way to feel a sense of accomplishment. In addition, having something to look forward to acts as a light at the end of your tunnel, so no matter how much work you have piling up, you’ll always have something to make you feel better.
  23. Try and Get to Sleep 30 minutes Earlier than Usual: It’s safe to say we can all use a little more sleep, so start simple! By getting to bed 30 minutes earlier, you’re setting the stage to allow yourself to start going to bed even earlier. You’ll be grateful for these extra minutes in the morning, promise.
  24. Take a New Route to Work: You may be surprised with what you find when you take new paths to places you go every day. You might find a new coffee shop, a good place for lunch, or a new shop you want to try. Regardless, it’s great to stimulate your mind like this ever so often.
  25. Sit Up Straighter: Incredibly simple but incredibly effective. Sitting up straighter will have you in less pain at the end of the workday and leave you feeling less fatigued, which is frankly the best gift you can give yourself this year.
  26. Tidy-Up Your Workspace: It can be hard to focus on one task when your workspace is cluttered, so next time you’re having a hard time focusing, pause to organize. When your space is refreshed, your mind will be too.
  27. Grab a Piece of Fruit and Snack Away: Adding more fruit into your diet is a great way to show yourself a little love. You know the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” so find a daily fruit you enjoy.
  28. Don’t Be Afraid to Say “No”: Don’t take on more than you can handle. Always keep in mind you are allowed to say “No” if you truly don’t want to do something, and let that empower you to make choices that align more closely with your desires.
  29. Treat Yourself Once in a While: We all have something indulgent we enjoy, so designate a day to treat yourself to such. Whether it’s a mani, a massage, a facial, or something of the like, you deserve to feel good.
  30. Write down your other four favorite tips and make them a habit! We hope these tips will help you going into the New Year. Let us know which ones you make a habit!

Feature Image via Emma Trimm

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