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Is 2019 the Year You Quit Your Job and Follow Your Dreams?

by Jocelyn You

In a perfect world, no one would have to work jobs that make them feel like the life is being sucked out of them. But the truth is, it generally is how life goes. Most people go to school, and then they search endlessly for the perfect job that will carry them financially and lead them to have a “comfortable” life. Because that’s what society has conditioned us to do. Right?

On the other hand, there’s a much more liberal stand. You’ve heard it before. “Quit your job! Follow your dreams!” This piece of advice is usually thrown by people who you think are privileged enough to be able to follow it. But what would you do if someone said that this advice could actually be followed by anyone, even you? If you’re thinking about quitting your job this year, here are a few words of advice.

Consider What You Really Want

What is prompting this decision to quit your job? Sure, you’ve been processing the idea of doing it for a while now, but what will be the final straw that is going to push you to go through with the plan? Do you feel stuck in life? Are you wondering if the grass is greener on the other side? Do you feel like you need to try more facets in life?

While you can take all the advice that you want, the only person who truly knows what you’re feeling is yourself. Take a deep breath, think about how you really feel about your current position, and make your decision from there.

Have a Backup Plan- Just Incase

Creating a side hustle or two that you can work on as you navigate your way to your dream life can definitely help keep you going financially. While it may not be as secure as your 9-5, you will get out of it what you put into it. As you’re figuring out how to make your indie rock singer dreams come true, it might be a good idea to have some cash flow. Freelance write, sell homemade goods, become a thrifting goddess, work at a coffee shop, or even babysit– do whatever it takes to help you support yourself while you’re out chasing your dreams.

On top of generating some cash flow via your side hustles, you should assess your money situation. How long will it keep you afloat for? Just in case something happens, will you have enough money to keep your rent paid? It’s always a good ideas to have some extra cushioned safety cash to fall back on in the chance that the journey to successful dream chasing is a bit bumpy.

Talk to People Who Have Done this Before

Probably one of the best things in life is the human ability to connect with other people. In this case, making the decision to quit your job to follow your dreams is a big jump from your old life to your new one. To make sure that you’re well-prepared for this, you should talk to people who have done this before, whether it be a friend, an old boss, or a colleague. It might bring you some inspiration that will push you to make this giant leap, and it could also provide some advice on how to make sure that this plan actually ends up working for you. More often than not, if you ask, you shall receive.

If you don’t know anyone personally who has made this same decision, pick up some self-help books that deal with topics like this or find some social media influencers and celebrities who you find inspiring and see if their words have something to offer to you. The great thing about the Internet is that the limits are endless, and you are sure to find a book, website, or person who will guide you through this time in your life.

With all of this being said, if you want to quit your job this year and start living what you feel is your real and best life, the time might as well be now. There really is no “right” time to do anything, and something as drastic as quitting your job can’t be put onto a timeline. If you are reading this article and are in the process of doing exactly this, cheers to the rest of your life.

Feature image via Alyssa Greenberg 

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